Global Leadership Artist
After 20 years as a transformational CEO, scientist, and public policy leader, Woody Buckner began his career as a Global Leadership Artist “GLA”, advising those who wish to ignite change not only within their organization, but in the world around them.

Why Now?
The Great Inflection
We are amidst a great inflection in which interactions between humans and machines has thrust our society into a unprecedented data-driven relationship with businesses and each other that must be thoughtfully and responsibly managed.

Who Are We Protecting?
Digital Prosumers
Prosumers are defined as those who produce what they consume. While this concept is not new, it has taken a new form in the digital age. Businesses have developed platforms that monetize user generated content and user data in ways that infringe on the privacy and intellectual property of Prosumers.

What’s the Goal?
Internet of Living Intentions™ (IoLI™)
The GLA program will introduce you to a network of business leaders working toward the creation of The Internet of Living Intentions™ (IoLI™). This platform will allow prosumers to safely and securely experience the Internet while delivering their true intentions. It puts the Prosumer back in control of their data and enables them to monetize their efforts.