“So where do we start? We start at design: we start at remembering the purpose for being a Human Being; we start at reframing the hand of intention guiding the design of the Digital Noumenon; we start at remembering that each and every soul arrives in this world with a unique purpose, and that the machine exists to be in service of human destiny.”

What if Leaders and Digital Value Chains could induce Prosumers to take back the hand of Intention guiding the Evolution of the Internet?

What if such a movement took place in selected local Communities, Cities, or Developments, focusing all constituents working, living, and playing together in such ways and means as to help People begin getting ‘What We Want’ (WWW) by collaborating with Digital Value Chains and Leaders comprising the Global Digital Communications Technology Industry to reimagine the future in a non-zero context (win-win-win) wherein all affected stakeholders can gain?

So how do we begin? We look to Creation for design, we look to our volitional mind for innovation, and we look to our soul for personal responsibility in service of Human Well-Being.

Leaders can begin by taking a Leadership Time OutSM (LTO) from the reflexive think-act-and-react cognitive cycle infusing the same un-evolved Cartesian Legacy Mindset Logic that created the centuries-old economic foundations impacting our current economic predicaments today.

  • We shall put the soul back into the machine that we are becoming individually, as a thinking Brain, and as a hive-brained global digital collective, sharing a multi-sensory logic input device as a surrogate for common sense and wisdom.
  • We shall go beyond the self-imposed limitations of Global Brains, Digital Socialism, and Industrial Capitalism if we are to deliver a 21st Century worthy of our extra full measures of devotion on behalf of Y(Our) Children’s Children’s Future Well-Being.
  • We shall reassess the ever-encroaching role of digitization, atomization, and automation while we go about resurrecting free will and personal responsibility in relationship to our experience for being in the World.
  • We shall reframe responsibility, stewardship, and capitalization of Smart Infrastructure in Prosumer-Activated Public-Private Partnerships (P4).
  • We shall reframe our intentions for human destiny in individual empowerment, shared mind, and commitments in action necessary to galvanize, with total clarity, our mutual intentions for delivering a future worthy of our children’s children’s hopes and dreams, ignited by the light of a future only imagined, yet to come, that resonates with Tuned Empathy (in our hearts) on behalf of all those callings, causes, communities, companies, countries, and consciousness we love the most.

Begin Leading From The FutureSM that resonates with your Tuned Empathy; with your heart on behalf of all those intended outcomes for life, people, and community; and with the common causes that you love and cherish most.

Welcome to faith, hope, and possibility for the future Well-Being of our Human Condition. Welcome to the …

Internet of Living Intentions™ – IoLI™ – for Human Wellbeing.